"Four Hours Four Wheels" a wheelchair relay race

The fifth edition of "Four hours, Four wheels" (4h4w) will take place on 14 September 2023 at the Traumatology and Rehabilitation Centre (CTR) at the Erasmus Hospital that is now a part of the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B): a relay race in teams composed of patients, former patients and members of staff. More than a race, this event is an opportunity for each patient to learn more about themselves, to discover new equipment through sponsors and to share a friendly moment with their therapists and other members of staff. 

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four hours, four wheels

A symbolic union of patients and therapists

Each team has its own colours and consists of between 7 and 10 persons including patients or former patents as well as a coach and CTR support staff (paramedics, doctors, sports coach, data processors, technicians, administrative staff, cleaning staff, secretarial staff, etc.). Patients can choose to participate using a wheelchair, a go-kart, trike or any other mobility aid. Families, friends and anyone else are welcome on the day to cheer them on! 

More than a race, a moment of sharing

In addition to the sport itself, helping create the banners and supporting the teams are all activities that bring together patients and CTR staff in support of the same project and same goal: to give each patient a place. As Magaly Bartholomeeusen, head of the Ergotherapy Department, says:

"4h4w is a unique event where everyone finds their place according to their abilities and skills. Beyond the sporting challenge, patients discover themselves and everyone, both patients and staff, are members of the same team."   

It is at an event like this that dialogue and sharing a convivial moment outside of the usual hospital environment assumes its full significance.  The presence of all categories of staff, close family and anyone else who stops to watch is also beneficial in encouraging each patient to excel and to do their very best. 

In practice

The relay race will take place on 14 September at the H.U.B.'s Traumatology and Rehabilitation Centre (CTR) located at Place Van Gehuchten 4, 1020 Brussels.

  • 9 am – 11 am: 3 scientific conferences for therapists and installation of sponsors and exhibitors
  • 1 pm: Start of 1st part of the race
  • 2 pm: Break
  • 2.30 pm: Start of 2nd part of the race
  • 3.30 pm: End of race and prize-giving

All the funds raised by this event will be used to purchase equipment for future events for CTR patients.