World Obesity Day

On the occasion of World Obesity Day, we are taking a close look at this genuine public health issue and at the multidisciplinary approach to treatment practiced within the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B.). Thanks to the experts from our three renowned institutions, namely the Erasmus Hospital, the Jules Bordet Institute and the Children's Hospital, every individual  faced with excess weight, whether a child or adult, can be supported in their coaching, as part of a medical, paramedical or hospitalisation approach, and in taking decisions about their personal pathway.  

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Obesity, one of the world's principal health issues  

Obesity is a major public health issue in Belgium, as indeed it is worldwide. Regarded as a chronic and multifactorial illness, obesity increases the risk of facing other health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and articular diseases and can also impact on mental health. In Belgium, 49.3% of the population is considered to be overweight and 15.9% considered obese. This is why increased awareness, prevention policy, education and systematic screening are essential in averting the need for medical or paramedical care.    

For adults: a care pathway in which you are the central player  

Medical treatment for obesity is often associated with bariatric and metabolic surgery, that is, surgery that changes the anatomy of the stomach or intestine with a view to losing weight. Yet this is often the last solution proposed by our experts, surgery being indicated in very specific cases that justify this very particular treatment pathway.  It is more likely that the Integrated Obesity Centre will propose an intensive coaching programme implemented by a multidisciplinary team. Dietitians, physiotherapists, endocrinologists and others then support you over a 12-month period (6 months intensive followed by 6 months consolidation). Everything is organised for you: information sessions, discussion groups, nutritional workshops, sports activities, etc. A programme in which you become the central player. The programme is developed in accordance with your individual pathway and your needs. Around you there is a committed medical and paramedical team and a hospital structure that harnesses the know-how of experts from other centres of expertise. The programme's success depends on the involvement of each of these players, whether care staff or the patient.   

Would you like to find out more?  Please contact 02 555 70 89 

For children: a 3-day obesity check  

For overweight children and adolescents, the Junior Weight Clinic at the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital proposes a 3-day hospitalisation programme for a comprehensive obesity check. The hospitalisation consists of three phases. Firstly a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation that takes into account medical, dietary, psychological, social and sports factors. Secondly, workshops on diet, education and sport. Thirdly, the patient and family leave with personalised goals and a treatment proposal adapted to each situation.  This treatment can then be provided in cooperation with the team from the Junior Weight Clinic that proposes consultations, group workshops and sports activities. Together with the assessment, patients receive a logbook that accompanies them throughout their treatment pathway so as to make the link between the various participants, whether within or outside the team.   

Would you like to find out more? Please contact 02 477 30 29 


Being cared for by the Brussels University Hospital is to have the assurance of multidisciplinary support in line with the needs of you or your child. The support of a team of specialists who also benefit from interactions with all the H.U.B. centres of expertise so as to offer you the best possible care pathway.